
李小方*, 李瑞, 张雪平, 杨雪, 邱艳**, 张伟, 孙越, 王洋
华东师范大学生命科学学院, 上海200241

通信作者: 邱艳;E-mail:;Tel: 021-54341016

摘 要:

SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP)相关基因在很多植物中参与调控开花时间、花序形态建成。高温促进中国水仙的花芽分化, 但内在的分子机制还知之甚少。本研究从中国水仙中克隆了一个SVP类似基因NSVP2, RT-PCR结果表明, 该基因在叶片、鳞片、茎端和花芽中都有表达。拟南芥异源表达分析显示, 在拟南芥svp突变体及野生型Col中过量表达NSVP2基因对莲座叶数目影响都不大, 但svp突变体背景下过量表达NSVP2增加了花序分枝, 也导致异常花的出现。这些结果说明NSVP2虽然不影响拟南芥的开花时间, 但与SVP功能类似的是, 对花和花序形态有明显的影响, 它可能参与花发育的调控。

关键词:中国水仙; 开花; 花序; SVP类似基因; NSVP2

收稿:2014-10-28   修定:2014-12-05

资助:上海市基础研究重点项目(09JC1405100)和上海市科技支撑项目(13391912502)。 ** 现工作单位为云南省曲靖市第一中学。

Narcissus tazetta SVP-Like Gene NSVP2 Enhances Inflorescence Branching in Arabidopsis

LI Xiao-Fang*, LI Rui, ZHANG Xue-Ping, YANG Xue, QIU Yan**, ZHANG Wei, SUN Yue, WANG Yang
School of Life Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China

Corresponding author: LI Xiao-Fang; E-mail:; Tel: 021-54341016


SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) related genes have important functions in regulating floral transition and inflorescence structure in many plant species. Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis exhibits floral transition promoted by extended high temperature exposure. However, the molecular mechanism underlying such development remains unknown. In this study, we isolated and characterized one SVP-related gene, NSVP2 from N. tazetta var. chinensis. The results of RT-PCR assay showed that NSVP2 was expressed in both vegetative and floral tissues. Ectopic expression of NSVP2 neither complemented the early flowering phenotype of svp mutant nor altered the rosette leaf number in Col background. However, NSVP2 in svp mutant plants increased the number of lateral inflorescence and caused abnormal floral morphologies. These results suggest that NSVP2 might play a role in the regulation of flower development.

Key words: Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis; flowering; inflorescence; SVP-like gene; NSVP2

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